Company registration in France - COREDO

Company registration in France

France is a sizable nation situated in Western Europe. It stands as one of the founding members of the European Union and holds a permanent seat on the UN Security Council. The official currency in circulation is the euro.

The French economy exhibits stability, with ongoing improvements in the welfare indicators of its populace. Key industries driving the economy include mechanical engineering, aviation and shipbuilding, the production of chemical and petrochemical products, agriculture, and mining. Additionally, tourism, the banking sector, and the IT industry contribute significantly to the nation’s economic landscape. Among foreign investors, France holds a reputation as a promising and prestigious jurisdiction.


Since France is a member of the EU and is strategically located on the continent, establishing a company here can offer significant advantages for businessmen seeking access to European markets. Among its other benefits, it is worth noting:

  • the prestige of the jurisdiction;
  • stability of the economy and political situation;
  • flexible tax system with opportunities to obtain tax benefits (the tax rate for commercial activities ranges from 26.5% to 33%, but in some cases, it can be reduced to 15%);
  • ease of doing business, favourable business environment;
  • well-developed infrastructure;
  • attractive living conditions.


Depending on the scale of the proposed business, an entrepreneur can select a suitable organisational and legal structure for the company. Among the most popular options in France are:

  • S.A.R.L. (Société à responsabilité limitée) — a closed company with limited liability. A minimum of two individuals or legal entities is required for establishment. The minimum authorised capital is symbolic, set at 1 euro. This structure is suitable for small and medium enterprises.
  • S.A. (Société Anonyme) — an open joint-stock company. It can be established by at least seven shareholders, with no limit on the number of investors. The minimum authorised capital is 38,000 euros, with half required to be deposited into the account before registration. This structure is suitable for large businesses.
  • SNC (Société en Nom Collectif) — an unlimited liability partnership, SCA (Société en commandite par actions) — a limited liability partnership. A minimum of two partners is required for establishment. There are no specific requirements for the size of the authorised capital. However, one of the managers must be a resident of the EU.


In recent years, France has shifted its focus towards attracting foreign investment, leading to the gradual simplification of company registration procedures. Non-residents and individuals from outside the EU will need to secure a work permit (Carte de Commercant) and a residence permit to officially manage their enterprises and engage in commercial activities.

To register a company, it is necessary to compile, translate into French, and certify a standard package of documents by a local notary. Additionally, opening an account with a French bank is mandatory. France permits the establishment of virtual offices for communication and correspondence, thereby reducing business management costs. A requirement following the completion of registration procedures is notification through French business publications.

Typically, the process of registering a legal entity in France takes no longer than 30 days. COREDO experts are available to assist you in selecting the optimal organisational and legal structure for your business, preparing the necessary documentation, and handling all associated tasks related to company registration.


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