Trademark registration. Order a service. COREDO

Trademark registration


For many businesses, a brand is not just a logo or a name – it is one of the company’s most important assets. The brand is a mirror of your hard-worked reputation; it is a representation of everything your customers are coming to you for.

But what if a competitor copies what you’ve been working on for so long?

Don’t panic, the solution exists! Just register a trademark – a legal tool that protects your brand. By registering, you will receive the following benefits:

  • You own the brand and no one else! When you spend time and money building a company’s brand, legal protection should be a given.
  • You will be unique! A trademark will help keep competitors from copying your brand and profiting from it. Often all you have to do is refer to your trademark registration, and the other side will back down.
  • A registered company name is not enough! The company’s registered name in the commercial register only prevents the creation of another company with the same or similar name. However, a brand consists of other elements (logo, colours, slogan, etc.) besides the company’s name.

With a trademark, you are in a much better position in any disputes. Below we explain some important insights that can help you with registration.

Trademark registration

What is a trademark?

A trademark is a form of industrial property that legally safeguards a brand. Its main objective is to differentiate an individual’s goods or services from those of rivals. It can be a unique word, a short slogan, a picture, a logo or a combination. Nonetheless, it can also be a characteristic colour, the shape of a product, or even a sound.

To be eligible for trademark registration, a symbol or logo must meet specific legal requirements, such as having distinctive qualities. Successful trademarks should also possess originality, be easy to remember, and have lasting relevance.

How does a trademark secure the exclusive right of use?

After registering a trademark, the owner gains the sole right to use that particular sign for the goods or services associated with it. No other individual or entity is allowed to use any identical or similar sign for similar goods or services in the region where the trademark is registered. There are different levels (regions) of registration: national level, regional level, EU level, international level. We will be happy to discuss with you the one that is most suitable for your business.

How does a trademark help an enterprise to be differentiated from its competitors?

As competition continues to rise within different industries, having a unique and well-crafted trademark is crucial in clearly identifying and separating the products or services of one company from those of others. This helps avoid confusion between similar products or services offered by different entrepreneurs.

How does a trademark provide your business with effective promotion and marketing value?

Empirical evidence suggests that the general public considers a protected symbol to be more dependable and reliable than an unregistered symbol. Further, inclusion in the trademark registry inherently signifies a level of excellence, providing a competitive edge to the company.

How does the brand strengthen your market position?

When an entrepreneur registers a trademark, it gives him  a decisive advantage in case of any future attempts by others to use similar signs or exploit the established business identity without permission.

How long does the trademark last?

One more significant benefit of having a trademark is that it can safeguard a business for an indefinite period, as long as it is utilised. Although the duration of the registration is limited (on EU level to 10 years), the proprietor can renew it multiple times for another 10-year term, without any restrictions, by paying a nominal charge.

Taking everything mentioned above into account, we summarise that a trademark:

  • protects your brand’s value;
  • defends against competitors;
  • promotes marketing;
  • strengthens market position;
  • provides benefits indefinitely.

How to register a trademark at EU level in the most profitable manner?

In order to obtain a trademark registration certificate at EU level, one must receive it from the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO). The EUIPO has a system for classifying goods and services for EU trademark applications, which requires at least one associated class for each application.

Applicants also have the option to apply for a grant of up to €1,000 (may vary depending on the currently available resources), which can cover approx. 75% of the trademark application fee. It is essential to note that the grant reimburses the EUIPO fee regardless of the success of the trademark registration. Additionally, the grant funds are limited, and your application may be rejected if they have been depleted.

Why is it beneficial to register a trademark at the EU level?

Any EU member state is a favourable business destination and home to numerous international companies headquartered there. Its business-friendly environment is well-regarded, making it easy for foreign investors to start operations without any hindrances. European countries boast attractive tax policies, a skilled workforce, unrestricted market access, and opportunities to tap into thriving industries such as engineering, healthcare, food and beverages, and manufacturing. In addition, protection at EU level will allow protection in all Member States.



Trademark search: €100
Filing for registration: €400


Trademark search: €100
Filing for registration: €400


Trademark search: €100
Filing for registration: €450

United Kingdom

Trademark search: €100
Filing for registration: €500


Trademark search: €100
Filing for registration: €500


Trademark search: €100
Filing for registration: €500


Trademark search: €100
Filing for registration: €530


Trademark search: €100
Filing for registration: €550

Dominican Republic

Trademark search: €100
Filing for registration: €570


Trademark search: €100
Filing for registration: €600


Trademark search: €100
Filing for registration: €600


Trademark search: €100
Filing for registration: €600

European Union

Trademark search: €100
Filing for registration: €600

United States

Trademark search: €100
Filing for registration: €620


Trademark search: €100
Filing for registration: €620

Hong Kong

Trademark search: €100
Filing for registration: €650


Trademark search: €100
Filing for registration: €650


Trademark search: €100
Filing for registration: €700


Trademark search: €100
Filing for registration: €750


Trademark search: €100
Filing for registration: €850
The price of the service may vary depending on the specific case.

Join forces with the COREDO team to register your trademark for your business!

If you need help with trademark formalities, the COREDO team can assist you in preparing and submitting the required documents to the appropriate authorities. It is crucial to have all the necessary paperwork completed correctly to avoid application rejections. Among other things, COREDO does its own research on competing brands in order to avoid disputes. Our team can provide customised guidance on trademark matters and help with its registration.


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