Legal Opinion - COREDO

Legal Opinion

The COREDO сompany provides services for developing a legal position on the issue raised by the client and further drafting a legal opinion.

Legal Opinion is a tool that provides our clients with a qualified lawyer’s opinion on various legal issues, including transactions, licences of financial institutions, payment systems and more. In addition, providing a legal opinion prepared by qualified specialists is often one of the main requirements of commercial banks before starting cooperation with crypto-companies.

Legal Opinion

What is included in COREDO’s Legal Opinion?

The legal opinion provided by COREDO generally consists of three parts: descriptive, reasoning and operative.

  • The descriptive part of the opinion contains a client’s full name, the name of his/her organisation (if he/she has one), a brief statement of the task assigned to the lawyer and a complete list of all documents submitted by the client.
  • The reasoning part contains an analysis of the problem under consideration and its assessment from the point of view of the law. In this case, the lawyer’s assessment is not speculative and general but is supported by a detailed justification, which is based on specific norms of the legislation in question.
  • The resolution part contains a client’s understandable conclusions based on the analyses carried out. This is the most valuable and timely advice the client can take on board and apply to conduct his or her business.

The procedure for providing the service and the time frame for its fulfilment: 

  1. The initial stage of our interaction involves receiving data from the client. We ask a client to share the following information: information about the addressee of the legal opinion, the main issue, situation, hypothesis or problem to be investigated in the legal opinion, as well as details about the jurisdiction and language in which the opinion will be drafted.
  2. After obtaining the necessary information, we determine the cost and timing of the legal opinion. In certain situations, we may ask additional questions to ensure the high quality of our services. Our goal is not only to provide a service but also to provide a client with comprehensive and accurate legal support;
  3. We then draft a legal opinion and send you a working version for your review;
  4. After carefully analysing the information provided and fully covering the legal issue addressed in the legal opinion, we execute the document. Once finalised, we sign, stamp and electronically lock the document to ensure it is secure.

Gathering information takes a few hours or days, depending on the circumstances of a particular case. We prepare brief legal opinions within a week. At the same time, more complex cases require additional time for thorough analysis and may take longer. Our flexibility allows us to adapt to each client’s unique needs, ensuring high-quality services regardless of the complexity of the task.

We are also pleased to announce that COREDO provides Ready-Made (universal) legal opinions. Ready-Made legal opinions from COREDO are pre-designed documents ready for use. These documents are tailored to different business areas, providing companies with convenience and speed.

Currently COREDO provides Ready-Made legal opinions for the following areas:

  • Legality of your company’s activities in the field of virtual assets in the Czech Republic. Price of the document: 1300 EUR + VAT

Features Ready-Made Legal Opinion:


Having our database of pre-prepared templates, we can adapt them to your business in the shortest possible time. Thus, the client will not have to wait for the analysis of the issue of interest and the formation of appropriate conclusions. Such a legal opinion is suitable for persons for whom the time factor is crucial.

Fixed Price
Fixed Price

Ready-Made legal opinion has a fixed price, saving you from additional costs that may arise in a complex study of a legal issue that requires several hours of work.

Flexibility (not tied to a business model)
Flexibility (not tied to a business model)

As Ready-Made legal opinion is universal, you will immediately need to study the peculiarities of your business structure as part of the legal analysis of the situation.

Sustained acceptance of the content of our Ready-Made legal opinions by banks
Sustained acceptance of the content of our Ready-Made legal opinions by banks

Due to the fact that Ready-Made legal opinions provided by COREDO meet high professional standards and requirements, our experience and reputation are recognisable in many leading banks of the European Union, which ensures a high degree of successful acceptance of the content of our opinions.

COREDO is committed to providing our clients with all the tools they need to make informed decisions in complex legal matters. With us, your business can stay ahead of expectations and successfully develop in the modern business environment.

Dmitry Vyalkov
Dmitry Vyalkov

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