How to Write a Good Memorandum of Understanding - COREDO

How to Write a Good Memorandum of Understanding

Updated: 20.04.2023

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). A Memorandum of Understanding is a document that outlines the terms and details of a working relationship between two parties. It is often used in business and government to establish agreements for collaboration or outline a partnership’s terms.

Here are some steps you can follow to write a good Memorandum of Understanding:

  1. Determine the purpose of the MOU: The first step in writing an MOU is to determine its purpose. What are the two parties looking to achieve through this agreement? Are they looking to collaborate on a project, establish a partnership, or outline the terms of a working relationship? Clearly defining the purpose of the MOU will help you identify the key points that need to be included in the document.
  1. Identify the parties involved: The MOU should clearly identify the two parties involved in the agreement. This includes their names, addresses, and any relevant contact information. Including a brief description of each party’s role or responsibilities in the agreement is also a good idea.
  1. Outline the terms of the agreement: The MOU should outline the terms of the agreement in detail. This includes the scope of the agreement, any specific tasks or responsibilities that each party will have, and any resources or support that will be provided. It is essential to be as specific as possible when outlining the terms of the agreement to avoid misunderstandings or ambiguities.

  1. Define the duration of the agreement: The MOU should specify the duration of the contract, including the start date and end date (if applicable). It is also a good idea to include provisions for renewing or terminating the agreement, if necessary.
  1. Include any legal provisions: Depending on the nature of the agreement, you may need to include specific legal provisions in the MOU. For example, you may need to include liability, confidentiality, or indemnification provisions. It is a good idea to consult with an attorney to ensure that you are including all necessary legal provisions in the MOU.
  1. Include a signature section: The MOU should have a signature section where both parties can sign and date the document. It is also a good idea to include a section for each party to keep a copy of the MOU for their records.
  1. Review and revise the MOU: Before finalising the MOU, it is essential to review the document carefully to ensure that it accurately reflects the terms of the agreement and that it is straightforward and easy to understand. You may need to revise the MOU to address any ambiguities or to include any additional provisions that were not included in the initial draft.
  1. Consider using a template: There are many MOU templates available online or through legal resources that can provide a useful starting point for drafting your MOU. These templates often include the standard clauses and provisions commonly included in MOUs, which can save time and ensure that you are not missing any important elements. However, it is essential to customize the template to fit your agreement’s specific needs and terms.
  1.  Use clear and concise language: The MOU should be written in clear, concise language that is easy to understand. Avoid using legal jargon or technical terms unfamiliar to the reader.
  1. Be specific and detailed: It is important to be specific and clear when outlining the terms of the agreement in the MOU. This helps avoid misunderstandings or ambiguities that could lead to later disputes or disagreements. For example, if the MOU includes provisions for the use of shared resources or equipment, be sure to specify who is responsible for maintenance and repair and any usage restrictions or limitations.
  1.  Address potential conflicts of interest: If there is a potential for conflicts of interest between the two parties, it is crucial to address this in the MOU. For example, suppose one party is providing funding for the project. In that case, there may be a conflict of interest if the other party is also responsible for evaluating the project’s progress or success. In such cases, it may be necessary to include provisions in the MOU to address these potential conflicts of interest.
  1. Consider including a dispute resolution clause: Disputes and misunderstandings can sometimes arise even when both parties have entered into an agreement in good faith. To minimise the risk of disputes, it may be helpful to include a dispute resolution clause in the MOU. This clause should outline the steps that will be taken to resolve any disputes that may arise, such as mediation or arbitration.
  1. Review the MOU with legal counsel: Before finalising the MOU, it is a good idea to review the document with legal counsel to ensure that it is legally enforceable and meets both parties’ needs. An attorney can also help identify potential legal issues or liabilities arising from the agreement.
  1. Obtain approval from relevant parties: Depending on the nature of the agreement, it may be necessary to obtain approval from relevant parties before finalising the MOU. For example, suppose the MOU is being entered by a government agency or a non-profit organisation. In that case, obtaining approval from the board of directors or other governing bodies may be necessary.

In conclusion, a Memorandum of Understanding is useful for establishing a working relationship or partnership between two parties. By following the steps outlined above, you can write a good MOU that clearly outlines the terms of the agreement and helps ensure a smooth and successful collaboration.

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