Conference Ecom21: Impressions and Results - COREDO

Conference Ecom21: Impressions and Results

Updated: 03.05.2023

Conference Ecom21: impressions and resultsThe conference Ecom21 was held in Riga, Latvia from 12 to 14 April 2023. This is the largest international e-commerce event in the Baltic States.

Since 2012 financial industry professionals have been regularly gathering here to get acquainted with new global trends and developments, share experiences, and discuss problems.

COREDO representatives could not miss the opportunity to take part in the Ecom21 conference, gain new knowledge, meet interesting people and potential partners, and find new promising areas of work.

This year the conference impressed with its scale and scope: more than 550 participants from 24 countries, representing more than 200 companies, took part in it.

Numerous panel discussions were held featuring more than 55 speakers: industry leaders, experts and analysts. In addition, the program also included a number of specialized workshops and exhibitions.

Among the most interesting and useful events for us at this conference, we can single out:

  • Presentation “Revolutionizing Financial Services – The Power of Digital Banking Platforms”, presented by Aivars Belis, Chief Technology Officer of “DECTA”. The speaker spoke about the development prospects of the payment business and technologies, about innovations in this area. This information turned out to be knowledgeable in terms of understanding the trends and directions of the market development.
  • Presentation “Fraud Prevention in The 21st Century — Why Financial Literacy Is Not Enough” by Lev Bass, CBDO and Co-Founder in Huntli. The speaker presented descriptions of AML/KYC software solutions for financial companies.
  • Presentation “Exploring NFTs — The Future of Digital Asset Ownership” presented by Reinis Znotins, Executive Director of “LBAA” and Matt Jackson, Blochchain&Crypto Marketing Lead in Blue Train Marketing. The speakers talked about the potential of using NFT tokens in various areas, such as airlines, gastronomy, etc. Since the COREDO company is engaged in the provision of services in the cryptocurrency market, this information was useful to us.
  • Presentation “From Hype to Reality — The Practical Applications of Cryptocurrency in E-Commerce”, presented by Egor Avetisov, Head of Strategic Partnerships at Binance. The author spoke about innovations in the field of e-commerce, about the increasing introduction of cryptocurrencies into everyday life.

Conference Ecom21: impressions and results

Participation in these workshops also brought useful and interesting experience:

  • “Business-Speed-Networking”. It was an engaging experience that allowed me to quickly get to know many of the conference participants and determine with whom it is most important to have time to communicate closer.
  • “Get To Know Compliance — 10 Munite Insights With Huntli, Finance, Finchecker, SigningServices”. An interesting exercise that allowed me to learn about interesting products and software used in the AML/KYC direction.
  • “Mastercard Fintech and Impact-tech Engagement — Local and Global”. The session allowed to learn more about innovative products and services that cover the needs of modern digital consumers.

The Ecom21 conference once again confirmed that the lack of continuous development can be fatal for the participants of the financial industry. To be on a roll, it is necessary to constantly be aware of rapidly changing trends that affect the development of the economy and determine the future of the entire financial sector. Participation in the conference gave us a lot of food for thought.

We thank the conference organizers — Decta and Mastercard, and look forward to the upcoming events.




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