The training programme is results-oriented and practice-oriented. COREDO experts will provide participants with all relevant information and then help them to assimilate it through discussion and practice. The training programme includes support materials, case studies, live group briefings, presentations and relevant assignments to enhance learning. In addition, training participants will receive an overview of anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing best practices.
Ample time is allocated in the programme for a Q&A session, where participants can ask the trainer questions and receive appropriate answers. This training will provide and reinforce key aspects of the AML subject in an inspiring and engaging learning environment.
The training programme can be organised as individual lectures at the COREDO office in Prague or as online training. To participate in the online training, the trainee must have the appropriate software: Google Meets and a proper internet connection. In addition, for a fee, COREDO specialists can provide training directly at your office.