Alternative Investment Fund in the Czech Republic - COREDO

Registration of an Alternative Investment Fund Pursuant to §15, Law č. 240/2013 Sb

Cost from 8 500 EUR
1,5 - 2,5 months

In the Czech Republic, an Alternative Investment Fund (AIF) is a company organised for the purpose of attracting and collectively investing funds from private investors. Such a fund offers investors the opportunity to invest their money in various assets, including investment instruments such as stocks, bonds, derivatives, commodities (such as oil and gold), real estate, crypto assets, collectibles, and more. The investment of capital is conducted in accordance with a pre-selected strategy tailored to the interests of investors.

An alternative investment fund presents an opportunity to diversify your investment portfolio and potentially earn additional profits.



An Alternative Investment Fund (AIF) is among the most convenient collective investment options. Registering an AIF in the Czech Republic offers numerous advantages, including:

  • relative ease of registration;
  • ample opportunities for investment and profit;
  • greater flexibility compared to traditional investment funds, allowing for the independent determination of operational features;
  • the ability to attract funds from both qualified investors and a certain number of unqualified investors.


COREDO specialists are ready to provide a comprehensive range of services for registering an alternative investment fund in the Czech Republic. This package includes:

  • assistance in registering a legal entity in the Czech Republic (s.r.o.);
  • preparation of an application for registration as an alternative investment fund;
  • consultation on the drafting of an offer/description of an investment strategy.

The total cost of our services is 8500 EUR + VAT. Please note that the amount may vary depending on the specific case. The timeframe for fund registration depends on the speed of information exchange among process participants and the workload of the regulator. On average, registration takes no more than 2,5 months.



In the Czech Republic, alternative investment funds must meet the following requirements:

  • legal form of the fund: s.r.o. (LLC) or a.s. (JSC);
  • structure: an alternative fund may have one director/founder;
  • such a fund has the right to manage the assets of a maximum of 20 unqualified investors and an unlimited number of qualified investors;
  • the value of managed assets must not exceed EUR 500,000,000. If managed assets include leverage (such as derivatives or currency hedging), the limit is reduced to EUR 100,000,000;
  • mandatory submission of periodic reports to the Central Bank of the Czech Republic regarding the volume of assets under management;
  • availability of a well-defined investment strategy;
  • the presence of clearly defined internal AML/CFT policies.

However, it’s important to note that there are no capital requirements for opening an alternative investment fund — the initial capital can be as low as 1 CZK.


Step 1 – Registering a company in the Czech Republic

  • scans of 2 identity cards of the director/founder — passport and ID/driver’s licence (both sides);
  • confirmation of the director/founder’s address (not older than 3 months);
  • a signed power of attorney and affidavit from the director/founder;
  • certificate of good conduct of the director (not older than 3 months);
  • description of activities, including the investment strategy of the fund.

Timeframe: approximately 2 weeks from receipt of all required documents.

Stage 2 – Application for an alternative investment fund licence with the Central Bank of the Czech Republic

  • completed application;
  • corporate documents;
  • documents of the director/founder of the fund;
  • an offer, which can take the form of an investment agreement, statute, or a general description of an investment strategy. This offer should include:
    • a brief description of the main categories of assets in which the fund plans to invest (limited to 2-3 lines of text in A4 format);
    • details about the industry, geographic or other market sectors, or specific asset classes targeted by the investment strategy (e.g., a specific index, agricultural commodities, industrial warehouses, a particular cryptocurrency, etc.);
    • information about the borrowing policy or the use of leverage, including the type and volume of borrowing, as well as the types and purposes of derivatives used (limited to 2-3 lines of text in A4 format).

A more detailed document can also be attached to the application, providing a comprehensive description of the fund’s activities. This document can be valuable for establishing further investor relations.

Timeframe: 1-2 months. Note: the timeframe depends on the speed of information exchange between us and the workload of the regulator.

For further clarification and to offer a more comprehensive understanding of any questions or concerns, we are always available to arrange a personal consultation.


What is the purpose of an alternative investment fund?

An alternative investment fund enables private investors to collectively invest funds according to a pre-selected strategy with the goal of generating profits.

Is it difficult to register an alternative investment fund? How long does registration typically take?

In the Czech Republic, the process of registering an alternative investment fund is relatively straightforward. On average, it takes between 1,5 to 2,5 months, including company registration.

Are there any minimum authorized capital requirements for registering an alternative investment fund in the Czech Republic? 

No, there are no specific capital requirements in this jurisdiction. The capital can be as low as 1 CZK.

Can an alternative investment fund offer its services to the general public? 

No, alternative funds are not authorized to offer their services to the public.

What services does COREDO provide for registering an investment fund in the Czech Republic?

Our company offers a comprehensive range of services, including assistance with setting up a company, preparation of the registration application as an alternative investment fund, assistance in drafting an investment strategy description, and more.

How many directors/founders are required to register an alternative investment fund in the Czech Republic?

To establish an alternative fund in the Czech Republic, only one director/founder is required.


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