Legal services and protection of businesses in EU

Legal services and protection in the EU COREDO

The countries of the European Union have a standardised legal system, which allows the functioning of a common market and facilitates carrying out business activities. At the same time, some aspects of the life of each country are also regulated by internal laws, which must be considered by entrepreneurs. This is especially crucial when working in the domestic markets of each member state.

To facilitate your business activity, we offer services of legal support of your business in the European Union. Specialists of the COREDO legal department are well versed in all the intricacies of the current legislation of both the EU as a whole and each country of the Union individually, which allows us to provide clients with comprehensive support in various law areas.


We assist legal entities in the following areas:

  • registration of a business in the countries of the European Union, including all the specifics of the procedure, choosing the appropriate organisational and legal form of conducting business, as well as intricacies of subsequent work and accounting processes;
  • liquidation and bankruptcy of companies according to the legislation of the country in force;
  • specifics of the EU countries’ policies towards non-resident entrepreneurs;
  • taxation specifics in European countries, and possibilities for reducing the tax burden;
  • investing in European companies, legal assessment of the target company or market, organisation and conducting financial, tax, and legal due diligence;
  • preparing documents to obtain permits, certificates, licenses, etc., registration of trademarks, copyright protection, and much more.

All individual features of the legislation of each European member state must be considered when planning and implementing a business strategy. Therefore, consultation, as well as professional assistance from highly qualified analysts and lawyers of COREDO, is significant to achieve a result that meets the set goals.


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